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Atlas Shrugged revisited

“If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the...

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Climate Crisis

This little blue ball contains all of the known life in the universe We don't yet know how rare life is on other planets, but for now, at least every living thing that we as a species are aware of exists in this photo.   Millions of years of evolution have...

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Post modern questions are winning over scientific facts

Why do anti-vaxxers have any traction in the modern world?  Their opinions fly in the face of all common sense and scientific fact.  For that matter, let's apply the same question to climate change deniers, anti-gun control advocates or people who believe the moon...

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Therapy Myths

  I was recently asked to respond to the question of whether or not it has been “proven” than “General Psychologists” get the same outcomes as “Clinical Psychologists” and that there is in fact no value to Master’s training.   I have been of the opinion for some time...

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Psychotherapy: Waiting for a paradigm shift

What is a paradigm shift?   The idea of a paradigm shift has been hijacked by advertising agencies and used to describe everything from a new smartphone, to a lower fat cheese.  But in science, the idea of a paradigm shift has a slightly more nuanced meaning.  ...

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The Psychology of Shooting Back

  You hear the rush of footsteps outside your classroom door, bodies jostling, crying and shouting.  The sound you had been trying to dismiss as a car engine misfiring has gotten closer and is now unmistakable as small arms fire. It is at that moment you realise this...

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Musical Suicides

I have been a clinical psychologist for almost 20 years, but I’ve been a fan of metal music for closer to 30.  I grew up on a diet rich in double-kick bass drums, shredding guitar solos, and a mix of growled and screeched vocals.  When I was at uni and struggling to...

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Buying more stuff won’t make you happier

As national psychology week unfolds, most of us will have already been bombarded with plenty of feel good stories about mental health awareness and how a psychologist can help.  However, the story we don't hear so often is the one about how psychologist contributed to...

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How to become an evidence based therapist

Across healthcare there has been a move toward greater accountability. Funding bodies are no longer interested in funding activity, and are demanding outcomes. The recent review of mental health services by the National Mental Health Commission was explicit in saying...

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Internet Therapy: A Hollow Revolution ?

oOne of the major barriers to effective service delivery in Australia is distance. It costs more to connect a telephone wire to a house in Biloela than it does in Brisbane. Unsuprisingly, rural Australians are often at the short end of what governments like to refer...

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The Mental Health Dividend

As budget time looms, the horse trading gets more furious.  Once again, the mental health sector is facing uncertainty, cuts or restructure. Mental health typically fares poorly in these negotiations at least in part due to the fact that the government views mental...

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When is it ok to write a report for a client?

Supervision Question - I have been asked to write a report to my clients employer saying they are psychologically fit for work.  Is it ok to do it ? This is a really common dilemma for psychologists.  Whether it is insurance companies, schools, centrelink, or a host...

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Report Card 2014

How effective is your psychologist ? In 1956 an English psychology professor named Hans Eysenck threw the cat amongst the pigeons amongst psychology circles by publishing an article that effectively stated “there is no evidence that psychological therapy works”....

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