Professional consultation

Data Driven

Aaron works with organisations in the heath sector who are keen to introduce a data driven culture.  He understands that there is often a long history that stands in the way of this, and that this history often presents as resistance and resentment from staff.  The key to changing this is to demonstrate how the data can actually improve patient care.  Too often managers and consultants get caught up in the job of gathering this data that they lose sight of “Why?”.

This creates a disconnect between front line staff, and those who are championing change at the level of team leaders through to upper management.  One of the keys to successful implementation of new processes is to ensure that all levels of the organisation can clearly identify how they will improve their outcomes.  There are a number of ways to guarantee failure:

  • Choosing KPIs that lack clinical relevance or credibility
  • Imposing top down change
  • Using data for immediate performance management
  • Failure to understand limitations of IT infrastructure
  • Focus on the Return on Investment in dollar terms rather than clinical terms

Each organisations faces its own unique challenges when trying to implement a data driven culture.  Aaron’s experience working with the public, corporate and NGO sectors, as well as his knowledge of change processes, and outcome informed practice will prove an invaluable resource to your organisation.

Aaron will work with you during the planning stage and help you assess readiness, and then work alongside your organisation through training, champion pilot sites, organisation wide roll out and evaluation.

Culture of Feedback

Many organisations treat feedback equivalent to criticism, and criticism as equivalent to failure.  In truth feedback is an essential part of high performance culture. Staff need to feel safe to take risks, and need to view the feedback they get on those risks as a gift. Feedback should not come with the spirit of performance management, rather it should come from a place of helping people to achieve their potential.

This culture of feedback is an essential shift before an organisation is likely to succeed in implementing data driven strategies.  In order for this to happen, support is required at the level of CEO / Director, as well as the executive team. With this support team leaders and opinion shapers within the organisation can be engaged.

Dr Frost has proved to be a highly intuitive and supportive consultant at The combination of his insights, clinical experience and business acumen have simply made him an invaluable resource. Aaron has a unique grasp of complex systems and was able to effortlessly think through the clinical, data and IT issues we were dealing with. I would highly recommend him to any company seeking this combination of skills.

Michael Breklemans

CEO, Psychwire

Aaron delivered an inspiring session to our leadership team around evaluation and performance culture. I appreciated the time he took to understand our unique needs before even setting foot in the room, and the enthusiasm with which he led our (multidisciplinary) group through a process of learning, challenging, and ‘future proofing’. Much more than just a workshop …

Dr Leanne Geppert

Director of Strategy, West Moreton Hospital and Health Service

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